Unexpected Blessings

This post is an attempt to sum up our first year of homeschooling since I was too busy to blog during our school year. This post is not about comparing homeschooling to building schools. I am not saying that one is right and one is wrong. Different families have different circumstances. I don’t know how long our family will homeschool. But for now, for this time and place, it is the best fit for our family.

I am a homeschooling mom. Twenty, 10, or even 5 years ago, if you had told me that this statement would be true about me, I would have adamantly denied it and laughed in your face. I was the one who vowed never to homeschool. I certainly wasn’t going to be allow my children to turn out like one of those children. Besides, I LOVED school! Chris and I are both products of both public and private/Christian education. I taught in public schools for 6 years. I would never be homeschooler.

And then…life happened. Chris and I found ourselves in a tough spot. Suddenly, we had a school-age child and no available options that gave us peace. Suddenly, the only option that gave us peace (along a tremendous amount of fear) was…homeschooling. So, after lots of prayer, we dove in! In April 2013, we met my parents in Cincinnati for a homeschooling convention. My parents graciously watched N and W for us while Chris and I (with E in tow since she was still nursing at that time) made the most of all the opportunities the convention provided. Our eyes were opened to a world we didn’t know existed. There were 1000s of people at this convention. Many of them had their children with them who, by the way, were very normal, respectful, and well-behaved. Maybe I wouldn’t mind it so much if my children did turn out like those children after all! The people we met were so kind and so helpful. We all shared a common purpose and it made us willing to open up and empower one another with our learned experiences. I gained some fantastic resources and a healthy dose of confidence. Best of all, the conference really helped to unite Chris and I in our decision to pursue homeschooling. We came home ready to take on the challenge!

September 2013

September 2013

I spent the summer of 2013 picking our curriculum and assembling a battle plan.  We joined the local homeschooling group and I began to build a network of people around us who would provide support. Finally, N officially started kindergarten! I knew we were doing the right thing for this time. Yet, it is so funny how Satan can just creep in and steal our joy…even when we are being obedient to the task to which God has called us. I still struggled with our choice. Often on a daily and even hourly basis. Some days went well. But then, some days went really badly. I would find myself comparing our family to other families. I would second guess my own abilities. Even though I knew all the factors that had gone into our decision making process, I still had this nagging feeling (rather, I listened to Satan’s lie) that I was only homeschooling because there were no other options. The fall semester was a challenge. Not only was I a kindergarten teacher, but I was simultaneously working with a preschooler and a toddler. And, boy can a toddler wreck a day’s lesson in no time!!! It seemed that there were lots of tears (and it wasn’t just the kids). It seemed like I just felt tired and frustrated all the time. No child deserved a teacher like that. Would we ever get this figured out???

But, God is so faithful! He truly knows our hearts and He does answer prayer. Somewhere along the way, I began to realize that homeschooling is not about the books, it’s about the relationships! Once I figured that out, things began to fall into place. Battles that had been issues before just seemed to dissipate. We seemed to find a rhythm and, suddenly, I realized that we were all enjoying our days together. Please understand, our days are not all perfect. But, God placed friendships and opportunities in our path to help us through the challenges. I have learned to give myself some grace and to look at my days through the eyes of gratefulness and a bit of humor. This year was a journey for all of us, but I think most of all for me. But, I now proudly tell others that we homeschool. After seeing what a blessing it can be, I am all in!!! At this point, I can’t imagine another path for our family…

May 2014

May 2014

The last week in May, we held a family celebration for N. Chris’s parents just happened to be here at the time and were able to help us make this graduation very official. We had decorations, party food, and ICE CREAM CAKE! Funny side note:  I pulled out my old college mortar board and a bag of bobby pins thinking she would need them. Nope! She’s got a West head. Hat fit perfectly! The picture above is from our graduation ceremony. Chris spent some time talking to N about her growth throughout the year and then I gave out awards to N & W. This is the way N was looking at Chris the whole time that he talked to her. Isn’t that just precious?

We are so thankful for what our family accomplished this year! We were very pleased with balance between our activities as home and our involvement within the community. We loved the curriculum. Learning happened so naturally and we all enjoyed it.  We were able to go on numerous field trips as a family and with our homeschooling group. N is a fantastic reader and a strong writer. Just today she said that she wants to be an author when she grows up. She has a good grasp of mathematics, understands the value of the numerals and is a good problem solver. She participated in our local co-op taking a science class, a tea party class (learning manners/godly character), a game class, and a gym class. N & W were both in the AWANA program and both did an amazing job learning Scripture! In fact, N completed 2 whole books in one year which is very unusual for a child of her age. She played indoor soccer during the winter and gained so much confidence. She has grown tremendously…and we got to see it all! W also did wonderfully. He came along for the ride for much of the schooling. He wrote God’s work on his heart through AWANA. And, he was very instrumental many days in entertaining E while N and I tried to do some schoolwork. W has grown tremendously as well and I plan to post more on him later.

I came into homeschooling kicking and screaming, but I have found an abundance of unexpected blessings. I could go on and on, but just to name a few…

  • Homeschooling forces us as a family to work through our problems. We are together A LOT which can lead to A LOT of tension. We get on each other’s nerves. We argue. But, we are in the same house together, so we are forced to work out our differences. I believe our family has become stronger because of it.
  • Homeschooling has given our children the opportunity to be best friends. If N was in a building school, she would only spend a few hours a day with her siblings. But, they are together each day. Their friendships are blossoming.
  • Homeschooling allows us to enjoy our children and really appreciate them for who they truly are…God’s masterpieces!
  • Homeschooling means that I don’t have to bundle the kids up and head out the the driving snow and subzero wind chills to get N to school on time!
  • Homeschooling means that we have time as a family to do a devotional together each morning.
  • Homeschooling has allowed me to see myself very clearly in the mirror. It exposes the sin in my own life and challenges me to change. I am constantly working to provide my children with a more Christlike example.
  • Homeschooling also allows our children to see us clearly. They see the good, but they also see the bad. It gives us an opportunity to model for them humility, repentance, and forgiveness.
  • Homeschooling has given me such an appreciation for my husband. Our school year would not have been possible without his encouragement, input, and involvement. He was most patient with me on the bad days and has been alternately teacher, cheerleader, and administrator through it all! Thank you, sweetheart!

In no way could one post ever truly sum up our year. It was a remarkable year that left me ready for the respite of a summer vacation. But, as summer draws to a close, I find myself excited as I look ahead. What blessings await our family as we begin a new school year?

Posted in Homeschooling, Nora | 1 Comment

She Thinks She’s 5


Us:  Are you going to be 2 years old?

E:  No, I five!


And that pretty much sums up our now 2 year old! She is a precious girl with a lot of sweet and a bit of sassy (sometimes more than we want). Unfortunately, this poor girl spent her birthday being sick complete with high fever and a very fun visit to the doctor. Ironically, she was also sick on her first birthday. Hope this pattern ends this year. E was a laid back, easy-going infant. Her disposition was such a blessing to a busy mommy with 3 small children. But, her first birthday came and a switch was flipped. The second year of her life has not been as smooth as the first. She is a mama’s girl and many times only mama will do. She was probably the biggest challenge within our homeschool. She has a mind of her own and she knows what she wants. If she doesn’t get it, there will be drama. She is a strong girl so there is a balance of nurturing the strength while shaping the character. E is going to be our family clown. She is very demonstrative and has a very expressive face. Just last week she began to show her angst by crossing her small arms across her chest and sticking her lips out in a big pout. It is really super cute aside from the fact that we can’t encourage that. She has amazingly beautiful eyes that she already knows how to use to her advantage. E is very polite and puts the other children of the household to shame with her use of  “please” and “thank you”. She is also quick to say “excuse you” to anyone who has violated a social more like burping or passing gas. Don’t even try to hid those things around E. She will call you out! She has a very compassionate heart and is quick to notice when something is amiss. She loves to sing and has acquired an amazing vocabulary for her age though song. I have taken great delight in watching the sister bond grow between N & E. There is also a strong bond between W & E that really has intensified in recent months. E is very mature for her age and acts much older than what she should be. I guess she is just trying to keep up with her siblings, but I am often caught off guard by her comments/actions. It is hard to let go of that baby stage. She loves to clean up after herself and others. She passionately hates having sand or dirt trapped in her shoes. She loves to slide and swing and will twirl with the best of them in the tire swing without flinching. She is a wonderful mama to her baby dolls. She is also obsessed with the moon. She searches for it endlessly (“Where da moon doe?”) and gets so upset when she can’t see it on a sunny day. A moon sighting for E ranks right up there with having ice cream for dessert.

Happy Birthday, sweet Eliza! I am thankful that God made you and placed you in our family. You are such a joy. We love you!

Posted in Eliza | 6 Comments

Hello, Blog

My apologies to those who used to be loyal readers. It’s been nearly 15 months since I last posted. I never really intended to stop posting. It just happened. I didn’t really intend to sit down and resume blogging tonight. But, somehow I just found myself sitting at the computer tonight itching to log in to our account…and approve those comments that had been waiting in the cue for over a year. For the past 15 months there has been this little voice nagging at me. Since I have used this blog as a type of family record, I know someday I am going to regret these “silent” months. They will just be filed away in my brain under the title “Mommy Fog” and specific memories will most likely not resurface. No promises about the future, but tonight the spirit is moving me to blog.

The reasons for the silence are complicated:

  • Life is busy. Time is limited. Blogging just fell low on the priority list.
  • Authenticity versus appropriateness. The past couple of years have been challenging for our family for a myriad of reasons. I struggle with how to be real when I know that a number of the things that are closest to my heart are not appropriate for public consumption. It was easier to be silent. We have done lots of praying, seeking, asking, and reflecting. God is blessing our family in amazing ways. The answers aren’t always what, when, or how we wanted them, but they are always good. I will try to be as authentic as possible as I portray our family. We are blessed. We love each other. We are not perfect. We are just sinners seeking to grow more like our  Savior each day.
  • The Comparison Game. I am not a fan of social media. I don’t have a Facebook or Pinterest account. I don’t Tweet. I don’t say this to be judgmental. Social media has a place and can serve a good purpose. But for me, it is easier to keep my distance. Prior to my blogging silence, I had been spending lots of time reading others’ blogs. Many belonged to friends, but some belonged to complete strangers that I had no good reason for following. I started to notice lots of discontent in my life which is absurd because I have an amazing husband, 3 healthy children, the financial freedom to stay home, good family and friends, the list could go on and on…. And yet, I was not content. I was spending my time looking at the edited version of other’s lives when my view of my own life was unedited. So I stopped. I have been trying to seek God’s will for my life. The unique path He has set for me that will look like no one else’s path (because He has an amazing and unique path for each and everyone). I am learning to find joy in that. But I have to listen to Him and not others. My prayer is that every person who reads this blog will feel encouraged and not discontent. This is why I just prefer phone calls. They are real. You get me, the screaming kids in the background, the clank of dishes being washed or dinner being prepared. It’s authentic. And when you hang up, you won’t feel discontent. All that screaming….it becomes a dial tone.

So, lots to catch up on….in the past 15 months we have lost teeth, grown teeth, successfully completed our first official year of homeschooling, made numerous trips to visit family, vacationed in Hawaii, shoveled snow, landscaped a backyard, said goodbye to dear ones, bought and sold vehicles, memorized Scripture, begun baking bread, and grown! Who knows if I will ever highlight any of these things, but stay tuned anyway…

Thanks for reading.

Posted in Family | 2 Comments

Enjoying the View!

Look at me! I can see!

Look at me! I can see!

The wind is still chilly, but spring is in the air. This week Eliza got to take her first forward facing walk!!! Thus far she has been riding backwards in the carseat with both canopies closed to protect her from the wind, cold, and snow. This forward facing stuff was a whole new world. Boy, did she love it! She smiled like this for the entire walk and for hours after it was over. I was afraid the wind would still be too much for her, but she loved it and her rosy little cheeks where still toasty warm when we got home. She is such a joy!

Posted in Eliza | 2 Comments


It seemed like March came in and left like a lion this year.  All the snow we wanted to get (but didn’t) in December and January seemed to come in March. We stayed busy inside! March is half-birthday month at our house. The kids get half a cake and the honor of adding “and-a-half” to their age when asked.

Check out that gap in her mouth!

Check out that gap in her mouth!

The big news right now is that Nora is learning to read! We are using a program that was recommended to me by several other parents. I almost didn’t do it because it seemed too simple. Nora LOVES it and is so proud of her progress. She is doing a great job! It has been a huge confidence booster for both of us. Even though I am a teacher, I have never taught anyone to read before. What a rush! Her confidence and excitement has has some really positive impacts on our other learning activities as well. Bonus!

Feeding the elephants

Feeding the elephants

Nora also lost her first tooth at the end of February while we were at the circus! Luckily, we were able to bag it up and leave it for the tooth fairy. In the morning, Nora was delighted to find two dollar bills each folded in the shape of an elephant (in honor of the circus). We think that the Tooth Fairy spent all that time folding in order to compensate for leaving a lesser amount of money. The going rate for a tooth (according to some of our friends) made Chris & I’s jaws hit the floor! Our thought was to revert to coinage after the first tooth, but I am afraid we might have to stick to paper that can be folded. Doh!


We had the great pleasure of a visit from Grandma! Unfortunately, Miss Eliza developed a double ear infection (for a second time) while Grandma was with us, but we tried to have a good time anyway. Eliza is such a sweetie, even when she is sick. The kids had a great time monopolizing Grandma’s attention. After the kids were in bed, she and I indulged in night after night of a Downton Abbey marathon. I was dismayed to discover that I didn’t take a single picture of her with all 3 of the kids while she was here. Oops!

Two peas in a pod

Two peas in a pod

I love this shot of Grandma and Nora. They are so much alike in so many ways… even their hair!


At the end of the month, it was Wyatt’s turn for the half-spotlight. We’re going through a bit of a hard time with this little guy. Being 3 is just plain hard…especially when you are sandwiched between 2 sisters. We are trying to love on him as much as we can. He is such a precious boy. Wyatt is currently obsessed with Jeeps & has an amazing Jeep-spotting ability. Who knew there were so many driving around on our roads or that they could bring so much joy? We see them all the time. He told me he was going to “save his money” so he could buy one. He told Nora she could ride in it with him. He is also obsessed with the app “Where’s My Water”. It’s a great logic game and provides just the leverage we need to keep this kid is bed at night.


Our baby was 9 months old on April 2. She rolls to get where she wants to go, but still has no interest in crawling. Her brother and sister do everything for her, so she really has no need for mobility. She loves to zoom in her walker. She loves to nod “yes” when asked a question. She will wave and say “baa-baa” (bye-bye). Still no teeth, but we expect to see one any day. She is usually smiling and loves to laugh. She is a little snuggle-bug. We went to the doctor this morning for her check-up. She is long and lean with our family’s trademark big noggin! [Weight: 16 lb 10 oz (20%); Length: 28 in (75%); Head: 46 cm (90%)] She still loves to be rocked to sleep. Now if we could just get her to go to sleep on her own and sleep through the night! As much as I love her, I am so very weary of hanging out with her in the middle of the night…

Posted in Family | 1 Comment

Row, Row, Row Your Boat…


We would like to row our boats somewhere a bit warmer. We are SOOOOOOOOOOO ready to be outside again. We are SOOOOOOOOOOO tired of looking at piles of snow. Come on, Spring!!!


We recently did a unit on Emergencies for school and it made quite an impression. Especially the fire part. Nora and Wyatt spent an afternoon building fire fighting equipment out of tinker toys. They named and defined their inventions for me. I tried to upload a picture of these inventions, but was again prohibited by WordPress for some reason. Just in case you ever have need of any of these items, I thought I would educate you:

Flambigator:  a “T” shaped device that allows a person to determine whether or not a door is hot (thus preventing burned/singed hands) and also aides in locating the fire

Patambigator: a square based device with a top that looks like a hangman’s crook that will specify the building that is on fire

EGS:  a square shaped screen that locates the exact location of a fire (Note: When this device was described for me I said, “Oh, like a GPS.” Then, Nora said in her very best firstborn, know-it-all, big sister voice, “No, Mommy, it’s an EEE-G-S!”)

Posted in Family, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Soaking up the sun


I snapped several shots of Eliza today while we were soaking up some much needed sunshine in our loft. This wasn’t the shot I wanted to post, but for some reason I am getting error messages when I try to upload certain pictures. This sweet girl is certainly a ray of sunshine in this house! Happenings this week:

  • Eliza started signing the word “more”! She has really gotten the hang of it now and she laughs when we give her more in response to her request. Communication is a beautiful thing!
  • Today Eliza got her first kiss (and it was an open mouth one at that)! We were at a playgroup and one of her little friends who is 6 weeks older than her crawled (yikes!) right over to her and planted a big one right on her mouth. She laughed & squealed with delight! Not sure what to think about that. We figured we would have to fight the boys off with a stick, we just weren’t planning on doing it so early. I must say that he does have excellent taste.
Posted in Eliza | 1 Comment


[Tried to post picture of our 6 ft friend, but can’t. I’ll try later.]

We got snowman snow! You would think that this would not be a notable event for people living in the frozen tundra, but both last winter and this winter to date have been strange. Our snowfalls have been small and dry (which means not good for the fun stuff like snowmen and snowball fights) or it has just been too cold to be out. Really, who wants to build a snowman when the windchill is -25 degrees?  But, finally, last week we got the perfect snow. I think there was a 6 foot snowman in the front yard of every house on our street. It was a really lovely snowfall. The flakes fell all day and stuck to all the trees. It was a winter wonderland. Alas, a day of rain (again, strange weather) followed by some sun proved to be this guy’s undoing. He has been reduced to a small heap much to Nora’s dismay. She wanted “to keep him FORVER”! Oh, but it was fun while it lasted!

***Just a few words about some notable progress: 

Two years ago:  It took 30 minutes to get Nora and Wyatt in extra layers/socks, snowsuits, hats, mittens, & boots. We rarely stayed outside longer than it took to get dressed. There were usually tears while outside.

This year:  Kids dress themselves with minimal help. The process takes 5 minutes. We have to drag them back inside even though they are wet, their faces are chapped, and their noses running. Best of all….no tears!

Posted in Winter | Leave a comment


I need to write this down so I can go back and read it on our challenging days. Nora is obviously school age, so she often gets asked about whether or not she likes school and where she attends. This is an awkward question that I have come to dread. Nora will usually clam up or just look at me. We have been very open with Nora about our decision and we are very comfortable with it as a family. Even so, it is hard to explain something that is so counter-cultural (especially when you are 5). I usually end of explaining that we are homeschooling. This is usually followed by some sort of unsolicited advice/opinion from the questioner along with looks of concern.

At church on Sunday, Nora again got the dreaded question. I waited to see what she would say as I inwardly cringed. This time, Nora made me so proud. She looked directly at the questioner and said, “I do school with my mommy. I really love it. I love having my mommy as my teacher. I want her to be my teacher forever!” Then, she turned and looked at me with a huge smile and snuggled in for a hug. I thought I was going to cry. I winked at her and told her I would pay her later. We have definitely had lots of ups and downs as we learn how to do this as a family. Her response brought so much joy to my heart. I am going to be able to live on that for awhile! This path has been challenging, but I wouldn’t trade the precious time that I have had with my children for anything in the world.

Posted in Homeschooling | 2 Comments

Remembering 2012

According to our blog postings, the second half of 2012 never happened (aside from a couple very belated birthday posts for the 2 older kids). It is certainly not for a lack of writing material. We live in a circus most days and could easily entertain others with the daily minutiae of what transpires. It isn’t really a time issue either. Most nights there is at least some time that I could devote to blogging. The problem has been more rooted in lack of inspiration. By the time the kids are in bed, WE ARE DONE!!! Completely spent! I just don’t have it in me to write something interesting/entertaining. At some point, I decided that I did need to catch up, but how? By that point I was so far behind that I didn’t know where to begin. All that to say, that the following post is designed to inform, not entertain. It is probably going to interest only a few and is solely so that I can remember the blur of activity that happened between July & December. Scan, read, or skip. You have been warned!


  • Eliza joins us on July 2. My mom drives up to help us navigate the first two weeks as a family of five. I don’t know what we would have done without her. We had some major growing pains (especially with poor Wyatt). It would not be an exaggeration to say that during those first weeks, there was rarely a 10 minute (sometimes 5 minute) interval of time where someone wasn’t crying. The first 2 weeks, we were just focusing on meeting the needs of all the little people (and that took ALL of the energy we had). My dad came up for a weekend while mom was here. Mom & Chris took the older kids on a few outings so that Eliza & I could have some peace. We also tried to celebrate Mom’s big important birthday (though not nearly what she deserved)!
Eliza (age 3 days); Nana (well, um...)

Eliza (age 3 days); Nana (well, um…just a few more)

Oh, how I miss how little she was!!!

Oh, I miss how little she was!!!

With a doting Pops

With a doting Pops

  • The last two weeks of July there was a changing of the guard. Chris’ parents made the journey to aid our continued adjustment. By this point we were a bit more settled and were able to be out and about more often (though there was still lots of crying). We had high tea at a fancy restaurant to celebrate Grandma & Grandpa’s 40th wedding anniversary. What a blessing their example is to us! We also took in a hot air balloon event one evening (a VERY ambitious undertaking). There was also a grandparent outing that resulted in the acquisition of 2 enormous Bob the Tomato balloons that made our kids go wacko. That’s a funny story for another time. I can laugh now, but at the time I thought those balloons were going to send me over the edge. Another funny story to share sometime would be the big fight that Chris and I had at the gym over a pair of socks (in my defense: I was hormonal, sleep-deprived, and had not been alone for 3 weeks!).
At the balloon race

At the balloon race (Eliza 3 wks old)

Celebrating 40 years!

Celebrating 40 years! (Eliza in car seat at other end of table)

  • We had a quick visit from our dear friends, the Jobes.
  • Wyatt went to the dentist for the 1st time. Big boy!


  • We had a brief week on our own. I learned how to manage things by myself when Chris was at work. Chris got a 2 week vacation (paternity leave) that he took during this time.
  • Chris’ brother, Robert, spent a week with us. He will probably never visit us again because most of that week was spent working on the playset we bought for the kids off of Craigslist. We had been looking fora couple years and finally found the perfect set at the perfect price. It just needed some TLC. Chris drove 1.5 hrs to disassemble and bring home (during the ONLY torrential downpour we had all summer). An adventure! He and Robert pressure washed every part, replaced a few of the beams, and restained the entire set. It was a labor of love and some good bonding time for them. The result was an awesome, almost new playset. What a HUGE blessing! It gave Nora and Wyatt a wonderful outlet for energy when I needed to care for Eliza. Chris & Robert also found some time for a daylong bike ride.
Up in the playset tower

Up in the playset tower with Uncle Robert

Finished product!

Finished product!

  • We went down to the Illinois Railway Museum with some friends from church for A Day Out With Thomas The Tank Engine. Miss Eliza got her first train ride!
  • Nora amazed us all by going in front of the congregation with all the children’s worship group to model the Armor of God that the children had worked on all summer.


  • Nora turned 5 (read about that here) & Wyatt turned 3 (read about that here).


  • We began our homeschooling journey to do Nora’s preschool.
  • Eliza continued to grow and change!
Chillin' in the swing

Chillin’ in the swing


  • Homeschooling highlights:  Columbus Day snack & following a recipe (making apple pie)
The Nina, the Pinta, & the Santa Maria

The Nina, the Pinta, & the Santa Maria

A yummy (from scratch) pie!

A yummy (from scratch) pie!

  • A plane trip (Eliza’s first!) to Colorado to visit Chris’ family & show off our newest addition. Chris’ parents treated us to a mountain getaway in a cabin at Estes Park. It was a lovely spot and nice change of pace. The kids had a blast exploring the house and watching the herds of elk that would hang out in the yard. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate and our outdoor time was quite limited, but we made some great memories nevertheless. We got to see extended family. Chris and I also took the kids hiking one day up above Boulder. It was a gorgeous day for hiking and we were proud of our 3 little troopers (though Eliza slept thru the whole thing).
Hiking above Boulder

Hiking above Boulder

Playing in the leaves

Playing in the leaves

Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park

Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park

A meal with Chris' grandparents

A meal with Chris’ grandparents

  • Halloween:  Daddy took a cute pumpkin & tiger trick or treating while Mommy handed out candy. Miss Eliza slept thru the whole event. We followed it with a dinner of mummies (hot dogs on a stick wrapped in breadsticks) and skeletons (a veggie platter strategically arranged–bell pepper slices make great ribs!).
"The leg bone's connected to the..."

“The leg bone’s connected to the…”

A surprisingly warm evening for tricks & treats

A surprisingly warm evening for tricks & treats


  • We took a road trip (another Eliza first!) down to Tennessee to see my family. Going to TN=cousin time!!! Nora and Wyatt had a blast with Landry and Lochlan. The weather was warm and beautiful so they were all outside nonstop. We also got to see my extended family and introduce them to Miss Eliza. Uncle Robert also drove up from Alabama for a day so we got to see him again, too! Lots of things were crammed into a short week. Unfortunately, I never got a picture of the whole family together. Chris had to come back early for work. The kids and I stayed behind for a few extra days and then Mom helped me make the drive back to WI (wasn’t quite brave enough to do that on my own yet!). Then she helped us get settled back in before flying home.
Meeting my Grandma

Meeting my Grandma

Just look at all those grandkids!

Just look at all those grandkids!

Nora & Lochlan. She drove him around for a LONG time & he kept his hand on her leg. Sweet!

Nora drove Lochlan around for a LONG time & he kept his hand on her leg. Sweet!

  • We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house with some friends from church (transplants without nearby family just like us). We spent the whole month of November working with the kids on being thankful (by stuffing tissue box turkeys with slips of paper labeled with our blessings). It was a great experience for all.


  • Christmas festivities & searching for Jingle each morning (read about that here).
  • Learning about the many names of God through our Advent lessons.
  • Saying sad goodbyes to dear friends who moved to Alabama (and, yes, we are jealous!).

Whew! So that just about catches me up on the blog front! Of course, this is the condensed version, the highlights. This was the good stuff. I made no mention of the mind numbing amount of diapers & pullups that were consumed, the potty accidents, the sibling screaming contests, the sleepless nights (because on the nights that Eliza did sleep, 1 or 2 other somebodies chose not to), the disastrous grocery store excursions with all 3 children, the homeschool lesson meltdowns, or the laundry!!!  Details, details… After all, as our life happens we take both the good with the bad. As we reflect on last year, we find ourselves so grateful. We are holding on to the blessing that was 2012!

Posted in Family, Travels | 1 Comment